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Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Asylum of Mortality
Rundown AoM was created for the 2005 Level Competition and was selected as a winner. This level features a highly destructible environment and utilizes a very complex physics system to make a whole new assortment of traps possible in Jedi Knight. Rail detonators can destroy the environment in one shot, while the concussion rifle requires at last 2 shots to bring the house down. The key to winning on this map is gaining the high ground and not letting ANYBODY take it from you. Beware of secrets that give the experienced players advantages in the race to the high ground. [nggallery id=18] Download Mirrors
Barn Battles IV
Rundown This level was the first time I made textures from photographs. The grass is a picture from BAH Strike’s back yard, the stucco from my house, and the wood was generic. This level is intended for 1v1 or 3 man FFA games and only has low to medium powered weapons placed in it. Take the high ground and camp the power-ups if you want to win. Story The year is 2021. World Wars are now settled in furious barn battles to the death. To the victor goes the spoils of battle. And to the loser… losing is not an option for the barn battlers. [nggallery id=11] Download Mirrors
Illusions Map Pack
Rundown This is a set of 3 levels, each offering a unique set of obstacles for varied No Force saber games. These maps are designed for 1v1 duels or full on 3v3 wars alike. Master the techniques that each level calls for and you will always find yourself on top of the score board. Story If these walls could only speak… what stories could they tell? Stories of battle, strong vs. weak, the loser sent to hell. “I’ve seen glory shine in a man’s eyes, before deliviering the final blow…” the walls begin to say, “…then, in all his glory, he is killed, peaceful and still. Don’t ever turn your back on us, for if you do, you will surely pay. Our toll is high, no need to fear, just swing your blade and pray.” [nggallery id=12] Download Mirrors
Perfect Dark: Felicity
Rundown This level is a recreation of the Perfect Dark remake of the classic GoldenEye 007 map “Facility” on the Nintendo 64. [nggallery id=15] Download Mirrors
Story This was my first publicly released level. It is a huge exploration level with many distinct areas including a massive full-size maze. [nggallery id=17] Download Mirrors
Rage feat. Paris Hilton
Rundown This is a level I created for a friend’s level pack called the “420 Level Sack”. Unfortunately, my submission was disqualified because it contained Paris Hilton. As you might have guessed from the name of the level pack it was created for, this level has a marijuana theme. It is a very small conc-fest arena map designed for 2 or 3 player FFA. There are multiple secrets to find and Easter eggs to figure out, some give you advantages, others will just make you laugh. This level was made in 3Ds Max and ported to Jedi Knight as 3dos. [nggallery id=16] Download Mirrors
Rundown Sith Mercenary Headquarters is a massive building with 5 floors of unique rooms and combat zones. There is an in-game spawning system that players can use to control where the action is. This level offers fast and furious combat for large games or small 1v1 games alike. It has too many secrets to count, and players are given “achievements” for each secret that they discover. Each secret is rated by scale of awesomeness ranging from “LAME” to “SHIBBY ASS”. There are in-game jukeboxes that control the music played in different sections of the map. This level was created before the JK Unofficial Patch removed object limits. Story The year is 4001. The Earth’s atmosphere has completely dissipated into nothing. The Earth is no more than a populated asteroid circling the Sun. Most humans have fled to other newly found life supporting planets but a large few wish to remain on their home planet. The Human Conservation Act, passed by President George Bush XV in 3984, forced all governments in the Inter-Planetary Union to contribute to the construction of hundreds of Human Conservation Buildings throughout Earth. When alien nations threatened the IPU, some of these buildings were converted into military…
Smoke Rocks
Rundown This is a NF conc-fest level that is also well-suited for sabers; however, executing “conc-jumps” will get you around the level much faster than not. The level is constructed with a set of modular wall objects complete with 4 varying levels of detail. The levels of detail are controlled by a custom class cog; allowing for extensive use of Jedi Knight’s dynamic lighting system to light the level. The terrain is a hand-sculpted mesh created to seal in this particular arrangement of wall and prop modules. There sky consists of a hi-res skybox with an additional layer of clouds scrolling to the horizons. All of the props also use hi-res models. This level was one of the first levels released for Jedi Knight to utilize hi-res textures and requires the latest version of the Jedi Knight Unofficial Patch available on JK Hub. [nggallery id=9] Download Mirrors
Wastelands of the Mind
Rundown This is a small no-force sabers level that gives a BGJ feel with a new visual twist. Everything is purple, and there are few power ups scattered about in key locations. They are positioned to encourage fighting on the bridge and small pillars. This level was my first attempt at a terrain-based level as well as the first time I rendered a skybox texture out of Terragen. [nggallery id=19] Download Mirrors
Counter-Strike: Source
This map was created under contract for the Cyberathlete Amature League and was the featured pre-season map during CAL’s final season 12. It is an all original layout created by myself under the supervision of CAL representative “Mylk”. It is an extremely fast paced map that allows teams to rapidly rotate from one objective to the other. The map is very minimalistic so it gives exceptional framerates and is not slowed down by clutter. There are two obvious land marks that can be identified from anywhere on the map that located directly above each objective. It was designed for 5v5, but is great for even smaller games because of how quickly you can rotate. [nggallery id=2] Download Mirrors Electronic Sports League
Rundown This map was designed for large 64 man servers, and as a result is massive with lots of alternate routes to get around the map. Encounter points are carefully positioned and secondary encounter points are planned as well. This map is made for people who love to rush. The brightly light environment takes the guess work out of aiming and this map is designed for competitive play. Because of the map’s enormous size, the only way a team can hope to win is with good communication. Story Invading forces have seized our beloved city and begun systematically looting it of all its prized possessions and religious treasures. We cannot standby silently while these heathenistic trespassers desecrate our homeland and strip it of all its culture and righteous relics. It is our father’s will that we destroy these treasures and deliver them unto his hands rather than let them fall to these evil men. This is not a battle to achieve victory, but rather a holy war waged to protect the integrity of your very own eternal soul. Welcome death with the same passion that you wield it and your righteous glory shall be obtained! Bomb Target A: A house…
Domestic Dispute was created for small games of 3 or 4 players. It contains a realistic floor plan for a 2 story house + basement and crawl space. In addition to the complete floor plan of the house, the entire yard, the street, the mechanic’s repair shop next door, and adjacent lots are all playable. This map is made for people who love to rush and offers countless tactical advantages for those in the know. The exterior of the house is covered with full physics-controlled shutters that can be pushed or shot open. There are plenty of destructible walls and floor panels that can change the flow combat. Alert players can gain advantages by noticing when crickets suddenly stop chirping or by the sound of a window being shattered by an intruder. It is possible to cut the power to the house and invade the objective in complete blackness. There is also a Winter Christmas version of the map called de_home4holidays. [nggallery id=8] Download Mirrors Domestic Dispute @ Home 4 Holidays @
Rundown This map is an attempt to create a realistic environment where teams were completely free to develop their own tactics for victory. Nearly the entire block surrounding the bank building is playable as well as the interior of the bank itself and there is also a sewer system connecting key locations. Nearby buildings provide strategic sniper positions; making it dangerous to stand near windows while inside the bank. Most of the buildings are based on actual structures. There is a detailed soundscape that includes everything from birds chirping in specific trees to the telephones ringing at random intervals in the deserted office section of the bank. This map requires a high-end PC to perform at competitive framerates. Story The terrorists heist of the Harbor Bank has ran into a hitch: they can’t get into the vault. Out of desperation they have taken four bank tellers hostage and demanded no police within one city block. You are free to navigate a full 360 degrees around the exterior of the bank as you see fit, but beware of long range weapon fire. If you get pinned down by snipers, you are advised to use the city’s underground drainage system to get…
This map was made using the art assets from de_vegas_css. The only weapon placed in this Fun Yard map is an AWP sniper rifle. In the server that this map was created for, people who only used AWP sniper rifles were called AWP sluts; hence the name of the map. This map is graphics intensive and may require a higher end system to play. [nggallery id=4] Download Mirrors
Survivor is a unique map because it is 90% displacement terrain. It is also a remake of a 1.6 map, and forcing the displacement terrain to adhere to the original brush-based geometry while at the same time enhancing the realism of the landscape was no simple task. Fog and whether effects play a large roll in this map, with each area having its own unique whether conditions: T-spawn is crystal clear, the depths of the ravine are covered in heavy fog, the village has a light haze, the truck is in the midst of a snow storm, the plane crash is covered with the steam of melting snow. Spectating in this map is especially satisfying because the terrain in every area of the map is seamlessly stitched together with snow-capped cliffs. [nggallery id=14] Download Mirrors
This is a recreation tribute to bring the classic Counter-Strike map de_vegas into the Source engine. It was created for the Display of Power – High Times server and the map was meticulously tested to make sure that encounter points and key angles were preserved. The attacking team starts on a helicopter pad on the roof of the casino and must work their way down through the roulette room into either the casino fault or to the strip club in the adjacent building. Rich soundscapes and vegas-style lighting are used to convey the casino environment. Many custom art resources were created specifically for this map. [nggallery id=1] Download Mirrors Original Version @ Large Servers Version @
Indie Projects
About Me
I am a 27-year-old experienced level/mod designer who has worked on various engines over the decades. I started making levels when I was 13 for the game Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and was immediately able to apply my JavaScript scripting knowledge towards level design. My first released level, Purgatory, was a massive exploration type of level that was well accepted by the game’s community despite its unorthodox design. Since then I have been continually expanding my skills in both visual design and gameplay mechanics. I believe with proper design you can dictate gameplay to the player without him even noticing that he is being guided. In my pursuit to master this technique I have become fluent in multiple programming and scripting languages and a student of all things art-related. I pay special attention to peoples’ reactions to artistic stimuli and use these reactions in my attempt to present them with the most engaging interactive experience possible. Entertaining is my goal, and understanding how to engage the audience on as many levels as possible is critical in accomplishing this goal. Most of my work is done completely free of charge simply because I love what I do, but I also…