Your World – Everyday
3D Desktop
Customize worlds w/ working desktop & web shortcuts on dynamically generated interactive cabinet models.
Compatible w/ art assets from over 30 existing Source engine games.
Persistent, personal, & multiplayer-compatible spatial desktops. Infinite physical organization space.
A creative sandbox PLUS the functionality of your standard desktop wallpaper.
An AnarchyBot Emote is a small image or GIF accompanied by an audio file that gets triggered by a Twitch chat command.
Streamers & their community create custom emotes that suit them to express themselves with ease.
Streamers control how rapidly emotes can be used with cooldowns. Viewers can CHEER BITS to over-power cooldowns.
Counter-Strike: Source – Left4Dead 2
Addon Maps
Addon Level Designer • Addon 3D Artist
WebGL – Three.js – AltspaceVR
VR Web Apps & Games
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Addon Levels & Mods